Thursday, February 14, 2019

Health goals for 2019!!

What is your wellness goal!!!!

A New Year and you want to start thinking - that's right eating right, walking more, drink more water and all the pretty things and feeling so fab with yourselves  new goals that's so great with a great positive mindset............

I want you to be positive and stay there ... OK!!!!

Here's the kicker all the goals are great BUT if you have toxic chemicals in your cupboards and your using them to wash you, teeth, your clothes dishes and even the dog.


Toxins change positive energy and destroys all your hard positive work to health and lands back to the same or somewhere else. You know the cough or cold you can't shake off and so on and the circle of trying to get better and healthy is going around, around and around...

Ridding all - plug-in air freshers, cheap candles, cleaning sprays, toothpaste, plant-based, eco friendly ....... everything!!!!

All of these destroy body systems.

When we feel like we are doing a great job on making a change, it doesn't matter when, it's the timing that matters and yes changing one thing will help and then another and so on....

It's all in the timing for the better. It's also a lifestyle change not something we get overnight, it takes time. we all have time to make a change not a resolution. Its a firm decision of self and health, your body will thank you for it.

On average a women wears approximately 600 chemicals daily

References - October - living chemical free,  November- Ditch and Switch

Hello 2019 and more!!!

Image result for 2019

I can't believe last year has gone, with Christmas, New Year a faded memory and my annually January holiday!!! 

Wow so many things coming up for this year! Lot of different topic's close to my heart and out of my comfy zone and maybe your too.  

I hope you are on your wellness journey to health, keep smiling and breathing.

living well
Deb xo