About Me - 20 years on

Where did it all start you might be asking!! I’ve always been on the holistic side of health and well-being in my adult life. I’ve had a clear understanding on vitamins, minerals and clean living can play a very big part of how the body repairs cellular each minute, this was just the start. As you read the following, this is a very brief outline with a few topics of how i got to where I am today.

As a child in the sixties with both parents smoking around me, at the age of 14 I gave this smoking thing ago. I grabbed a packet out of the parents carton and a box of matches and lit one up on my way to high school sitting in the park. I didn’t realize I wasn’t doing this smoking thing right for about 6 months. So, I did the smoking thing till I was 20. Then I had the real flu, you know the type you’re on the lounge for weeks/months, yep that’s when I gave up May 1986 to be exact.

Then fast forward the 1997, my family, hubby and the children moved to a new house and within 3 months I had a cold not the flu, it just didn’t want to go away. I went to the Doctor to make sure it was a cold and he gives me a prescription. Of course, I asked the questions, as he knew me very well I took the medicine. It sort of helped but not really, went back to the Doctor, he said this year is just being very stubborn so he wrote out another prescription. I wasn’t happy with this at all, I walked into a health food shop and this is where I learnt I lot about what my body needs and time to heal.

This day was a turning point in how I combat any ailments. This day I found a little book for $1 and read what I needed, it was a simple guide, to get this cold out of my body. I took home bottles of amazing life changing products, firstly listened to the lady behind the counter and she said some of this will taste like dirt {she was right, I'm a believer of some medicines taste like dirt for a reason}  but it will work she said, give it time. I got home and put the bottles on the counter and opened each of them and took what I needed on the first day, I took four doses. The next 3 days 3 doses and so on. I couldn’t believe how I was feeling after a week. These ingredients helped my body heal and get rid of the cold instead of relieving it.

Big lesson for me, their is no quick fix, any over the counter is always usually gives temporary relief {it says it on the box} for it to come back over & over again or use something that has been tested over time to actually work. Yes it won't cure straight away, it will target the issue and reduce the bodies aliments and restore wellness. 

Now, we are so busy we still have to stop, a take a moment to let our bodies heal.  

From then I chose and has worked in my favor, I don't dismiss modern medicine at all, modern medicine is researching  in a natural ways and going back to the basics.  Unfortunately, media and commercialism is what is out there more on T.V, Face Book and ads within it, Instagram with ads, media, Current Affair. All of them are only in it for profit and the companies are not it for your health.

20 years on

From the beginning, trying to get my head around clean living and wellness. It didn't come naturally so I thought, I'd give it go, as we are and myself can be very skeptical of how we receive information. We are either ready and grab it and run never looking back OR we hold back and watch what happens comfortable in our routines.
Question to come later. 

OK!! The health food shop was my go to place, and the laundry isle, OMG, I don't need anything but gloves sometime( for painting) the toxic smell yuk 😷 !

I then discovered  www.enjo.com.au/ no more pouring bottles of toxic chemicals into a bucket, I was sold and still use it and have shared information with family and friends. When I started using enjo it was the cloths and the non cross contamination that won me. My favorite is the body mitt and the tea towels OMG both are so good!!! Yes the cost is a little high, quality over quantity, my mitt lasts me 2-3 years that's under $0.054 per day, for skin without the little tiny bumps, exfoliating every time. What also won we was the last time I pour all the numerous toxins into the bucket to wash the floor. I had bare feet!! I was never aware until I could taste it in my mouth!!! OMG if i could taste it, what is it doing to my body! Skin is the biggest organ in the body, it repairs every second. That day, my body told me to stop with the chemicals. 

We all like things that smell nice. I then discovered "Aromatherapy" loved the smells and the healing qualities that this can bring. Unfortunately, this came to a screeching jolt, as family members either didn't liske the smells or massive headaches came out of it. This wasn't to be at that time. 
Question to come later.    

I've always been mindful of less waste living, recycling, RED cycling as much as possible. We have 5 bins = medium bag each week of waste, recycling, red cycling, bottles, cans. Taking our own bags and produce bags shopping. Here a few links -


Question to come later

In this journey, I've never been one to eat a lot of meat all day everyday, more white than red. So I considered myself vegetarian no meat for me. This was easy for me as I'd been anemic for years and eating any meat won't help. My daughter then asked me as I was pouring my milk into my coffee. Do you know where the milk come's from? Of course I did!!! NO I DIDN'T!!!!! OMG!!!!! I'm plant based and learning so much will not go back, vegan all the way!! My daughter gave me information and i'm doing the same.

Fork over knives 2 minutes trailer could change something small in your life.

The China Study 3 minutes trailer.

Then I've gone a step further. STOPPED DIETING!!!!! Yippee!!!  I didn't diet all the time but have done on and off for over 20 years. Now my body is in repair mode as I stopped!!! No more restrictions, no counting, no more, no more just repair and healing. Eat smart to heal, then the rest falls into place. I feel freer of clutter in my head and just eat slowly if I'm hungry till I'm not, not over eating. My aim is to weigh less and move more as this is all we need. sounds simple! That's because it is! More colour's on the plate, full on carbs, proteins and vitamins anything you need is there. All this helped, on wards and up from here.

The first step is a big one of where to start.That's right you can't do or change everything at once. It's taken me over 20 years and the help from my daughters and supportive husband. We are changing our lives slowly and with passion to live clean, toxic chemical free as possible in this modern world.

Then the biggest step of faith is Young Living!! My eldest daughter discovered this amazing product and it has changed her life with supporting her wellness as she is recovery from cancer. Then my youngest daughter and I watched the changes in her sister and within months we both joined up and haven't looked back. 

SEED to SEAL - Sourcing, Science and Standard. All the products are amazing from all the oils, diffuses, home care, beauty and wellness. The range is to support your health to be above the wellness line. Everyone needs help in wellness, for mind, body and soul.
Question to come.


Questions to ask yourself.

Am I doing something about war on waste?  
Am I ready to live chemical and toxic free?
Why didn't the other oils work? 
How can Young Living help me today? 

I started my journey to change one thing and then other. It's been a slow, fast 20 years and looking back from where I've started has made me more passionate about my wellness than ever before.

Keep smiling, Living well

Deb 😊  

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